(919) 783-0236


The content of this web site is made available by Ingersoll Law Practice, PLLC, for information purposes only and is not legal, accounting or tax advice. You must consult a licensed attorney or a CPA for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and we welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Merely contacting us or sending an email or text message does not create an attorney-client relationship. This arrangement occurs only when both sides sign an engagement letter (which we will provide) and the attorney decides we will represent you. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established. We cannot guarantee the security of text or internet messages (including documents, forms or returns sent by email). If you wish to discuss a confidential matter with the attorney/CPA, or provide confidential information to our office, we recommend you call or email our office and set an appointment to prevent email interception and to protect your privacy.

We do not make any representation of and cannot assume any liability for the content accuracy, or timeliness of the information at any site to which we have provided links. Our inclusion of links to other websites does not constitute an intended endorsement of or implied association with any other site, individual or organization. Attorney Ingersoll is only licensed to practice law in the beautiful state of North Carolina and this site is not directed to any other state. No action shall be taken as a result of any unsolicited email or text sent to Mr. Ingersoll or this office. The content of unsolicited emails or texts shall not be considered confidential or privileged.

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